There may not currently be any step access at Point Turton jetty. Al Chandler, Secretary of the Underwater Explorers Club of SA, recently reported the removal of the steps on the jetty. He witnessed their removal by workmen in November. The SDF acted by sending an email message off to the District Council of Yorke Peninsula, asking them if they could act to provide suitable jetty steps for divers. Other SA jetties known to have restricted access at the time of writing include Second Valley, The Bluff, Screwpile and Edithburgh jetties. The collapsed steps at Second Valley jetty were removed recently. There is no ladder (or steps) at The Bluff jetty at Victor Harbor. The steps at the Screwpile Jetty at Victor are out of the water at low tide. There are problems with one of the sets of steps at the start of the jetty at Edithburgh.
The Wreck of the Hereward
A visit to the Philip Kennedy Centre at Largs Bay a few years ago sparked
my interest in the wreck of the *Vivid*. It was there that I discovered a
6 years ago